Take your herd further with AnalysePlus!
AnalysePlus allows you to:
- See the lactation curve performance of your herd
- Predict your herd’s production performance in milk and in components
- Visualize and compare heifer growth to national standards
Easy to use, easy to benefit from
- Useful tool for managing individual lactations as well as the entire herd
- Personalised configuration for each analysis
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
- Easily modify the confidence level of predictions
- Displays actual data as well as predicted outcomes
- AnalysePlus Module
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AnalysePlus is a joint collaborative endeavour between McGill University’s Information Technology Research group and Lactanet Canada, developed to help you better visualise your data in Lac-T.
Learn more about the module’s features:
AnalysePlus Lactation
Quickly and easily visualize lactation performance of individual cows or groups. AnalysePlus Lactation offers you the flexibility to not only manage comparison of current lactation information, but also predicted performance!
Information displayed in this section can also be consulted by lactation stage or by parity. You can also select to use information up until 305 DIM or information from lactations that exceed 305 DIM.
Lactation curves can display with low, medium, or high interpretation biases, based on the user’s preferences. You can also display ratios and compare selected groups to one another, for example, peak lactation values for parity 1 versus parity 2.
AnalysePlus Test
This module allows for the interpretation of your most recent milk recording results and other previous test results easily and quickly. In a few seconds you can display multiple component values and compare them in order to instantly gain a clear portrait of actual performance and progress since last test.
Values that can be displayed in this module are components (% fat, % protein, P/F ratio, F/P ratio, SNF/F, SCC, urea) and production (milk, persistence, BCS, BCS differential, and DIM at last service) on test dates.
Like the AnalysePlus Lactation module, it’s possible to visualise and compare this data by parity, by group, or by individual.
AnalysePlus PROM-S
With PROM-S, you can track your heifer’s growth objectives more easily than ever. With as few as 2 measures per heifer, it’s possible to view growth curves and to group them by various characteristics: bred, open, animal breed, and more.
Heifer growth rates are presented with national data points to establish the 50th percentile and the 90th percentile by population, to help you better measure your growth objectives.
Training sessions tailored to your needs
On-line training sessions allow you learn more about Lac-T from the comfort of your home. We can guide you through actual simulations through simple and convenient screen sharing from our presentor.