Milk Production and Quality

You want to increase your milk production and improve the quality of your herd’s milk? You can count on the expertise of our advisors to help you achieve your goals by improving milk production per cow as well as peak milk production, persistence, milk fat or protein. 

Testing your herd's milk production

The first step to finding solutions is to assess the situation carefully. In order to help you do this, your advisor relies on your historical data for both milk recording and milk deliveries. Using the Lactanet Mobile app, herd reports and our analysis software, our advisor can evaluate the various parameters.

Our advisors serve farms in Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces.

Assessing factors that impact milk production and composition

Once the analysis is completed, your advisor will help you explore the probable causes and possible solutions to help you increase production and improve the milk composition for your herd. There are many factors to consider and since everything is interconnected, your advisor will consider all factors globally: transition managementbarn comfortbreedingheifer rearing, cow health and, of course, feeding.

For feed-related factors, our advisor can evaluate the ration as well as some important parameters such as forage dry matter intake, silage grind using a PennState particle separator, effective fibre and milk:concentrate ratio.

Depending on the factors involved, your advisor will suggest a course of action with specific solutions that he or she can regularly monitor to help you achieve your goals.

Milk quality and milking system

As a dairy producer, you are committed to delivering safe, high-quality milk according to strict rules and high standards. What’s more, producing quality milk has several economic advantages for your dairy operation. We offer a variety of tools and services to support you in your efforts to maintain and improve milk quality, such as milk analysis, milking system and milking method audits, as well as assessments of your herd management practices.

Tools and tips to help you achieve your milk quality goals

The production of quality milk by healthy cows is a daily task. Our milk recording somatic cell count reports allow you to monitor udder health at the herd level as well as for each individual cow. Our advisors are able to identify situations that require your attention, interpret the results of the reports and advise you on best milk quality management practices, in collaboration with your veterinarian.

Milk analysis for somatic cell count (SCC)

The analysis of SCC data allows you to monitor your herd’s udder health and to take action with the cows suspected of having an infection. We perform somatic cell counting directly in the milk recording samples, in the milk payment bulk tank samples, or upon request as a special analysis.

SCC results are conveyed to producers through our Vision2000 reports and in the Lactanet Mobile application. With your permission, we can also give your veterinarian access to your data.

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