Quatre laboratoires à la
fine pointe de la technologie pour
analyser vos échantillons de lait.
La référence pour tout
ce qui a trait à la génétique
des bovins laitiers au Canada.
Services génétiques
Des informations pertinentes
et actualisées sur les principaux
aspects de la gestion
des troupeaux.
Applications et logiciels
Des outils et applications
pratiques pour améliorer
la gestion de votre troupeau.
Applications et logiciels
Upcoming Events and the Latest News
Discover the Canadian Dairy Hub today, which provides access to practical and science-based resources, supporting the awareness and adoption of best practices and innovations on Canadian dairy farms.
The next session will take place on Monday, October 7th, 2024, featuring presentations exclusively focused on genetic services. Don’t miss this essential event! Register now.
Lactanet Canada is proud to announce and celebrate its 5th anniversary as a partnership. Read our media release and discover our 5-year milestones.
Lactanet: 2023 Highlights and What's Ahead for 2024
Our commitment to serve our customers and the dairy community is unwavering and we’re excited to showcase dairy statistics, our accomplishments, and what’s ahead for dairy producers in 2024.