Microbiological and Chemical Analyses of Dairy Products

Canada’s dairies and cheese makers produce a wide range of quality products. As an industry leader for 50+ years, we are proud to offer specialized services for the milk-processing industry.

Microbiological Analysis of Dairy Products

We offer microbiological analyses on ingredients, brine, intermediate and finished products. Our analysis helps you develop a compliant product that meets food industry standards. We also carry out microbiological analyses on surfaces (sponges and environmental swabs).

We offer the following analyses:

  • Total aerobic bacteria count
  • Escherichia coli count
  • Coliform count
  • Staphylococcus aureus count
  • Listeria monocytogene and other listeria spp. detection
  • Salmonella spp. detection
  • If needed, detection of Listeria spp. (including monocytogenes) and salmonella spp.

Chemical Analysis of Dairy Products

We analyze milk and dairy products with proven reference methods for the following components:

  • Fat 
  • Crude protein
  • True Protein
  • Casein
  • Total solids
  • Urea
  • Lactose
  • Sugar profile
  • Fatty acids profile
  • Salt
  • Metals/Minerals
  • Humidity
  • Ash
  • Nutritional value table
  • Vitamins A and D (in a laboratory certified by the FDA)

If you don’t find the analysis that you are looking for, please let us know.