Lac-T Update

Current version:

Last update: September 27th, 2024
Previous version:

In order to download your file, you must fill in the below form. Then you will be redirected to the downloads page:

  • An addition of father, mother, maternal grandparents, and breed information now available in custom inventories
  • Several improvements to XML import
    • Pedigree status is no longer crushed
    • Empty TimePeriodCodes are identified as 3 (N/A)
    • The possibility of having dynamic XML for producers outside Quebec
  • Some changes for Heatime and Cow manager
    • Group and transponder numbers are removed when an animal is taken out
    • The list of cows contains only active animals
  • A Bulls Update for July 2024
  • The new version of Lac-T is available in the upper Tools menu, Update (software)

    In the Help menu, About Lac-T, you can see if you have the latest update, the current version should be

    The big news of this update is to fix a problem for sending registration requests

    Registration requests can be made entirely in Lac-T without having to deposit a DEVE file on the Holstein site, for those who had problems with sending.

    In Tools, the Record wizard does not change. The changes are in the Data Exchange, Communication Registration menu.

    Here’s how the new module looks :

We can see that herd 60601 is ready to transmit 3 Holstein subjects. In the Number of subjects column, by hovering the mouse over the eye, you can see the details of the 3 subjects that will be transmitted.

The Submit button will forward requests to breed associations.

In the event of a validation error, the eye icon allows you to see the subjects in error.

Hovering over the validation error status shows the details. In this case, the registration number is missing for animal 7

History of communications:

Using the filter, it is possible to see the records already communicated by this Lac-T for your herd. You can also select communications before or after a specific date.

The strikethrough filter allows you to cancel the selection and return to the default view.

N.B. The list of submitted animals is still available in the General Reports, Registration Group, Submitted Animals

During the first communication, the authentication window will appear and you will have to enter your My Lactanet site credentials with your password.

These are the same credentials you use to view your Lactanet reports.

In subsequent communications, authentication is verified, but the window will not appear when everything is valid.

It is also possible to manually enter your credentials with the Credentials button.

These are improvements that will make your registration requests easier!

This version also contains:

  1. An addition of father, mother, maternal grandparents, and breed information now available in custom inventories
  2. Several improvements to XML import
    1. Pedigree status is no longer crushed
    2. Empty TimePeriodCodes are identified as 3 (N/A)
    3. The possibility of having dynamic XML for producers outside Quebec
  3. Some changes for Heatime and Cow manager
    1. Group and transponder numbers are removed when an animal is taken out
    2. The list of cows contains only active animals
  4. A Bulls Update for July 2024
Free for all users: AnalysePlus
  • AnalysePlus Lactation 
  • AnalysePlus Test
  • AnalysePlus PROM-S 

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Internet training sessions allow you learn more about Lac-T without the inconvenience of travel.

This means that you can take part in the training session from the comfort of your own home! Lac-T doesn’t have to be installed on the computer you use to take part in the training session. What you see on your screen will be the presenter’s software.