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The Art of High-Forage Diets

Business & Economics

Reducing farm expenses: optimizing forage production and use

Heifer Raising

Expert Tips for Raising Successful Calves – Pre-partum and Calving…


Your Best Investment of the Year is to Harvest Quality Forage


Is Your Grain Milling Process Optimized?

Feed Margin

Quick solutions when the price of concentrates is high

Business & Economics

The new milk payment policy: it doesn’t change the world, but…

Robotic Milking

A Peak in Robot Concentrate Costs

Feed Margin

Per Cow, Per Hectolitre, or Per kg Milk Fat: Which is the best indicator…

Feed Margin

You can produce more for less!

Feed Margin

Mastering my feed costs

Business & Economics

Is there a sure-fire strategy for maximizing the profitability of…

Feed Margin

The feed margin: a good indicator of herd profitability?

Authors in the category

René Roy, agr.
Jean-Philippe Laroche, agr., M. Sc.
Gervais Bisson, agr.